Sunday, March 17, 2013

Data Vision

Not to be too dramatic, but just trying to connect with the deeper meaning and connections behind every day work. Enjoy.

Select. Copy and Paste. Sift through data and label it. Separate the data by year and total it. Compile totals for regions. Look for blips. Look for trends.
Searches sift through news.  News yields names and events. Events point to dates that shift the path of time. Social networks and keywords yield positions and people.  Data  stars shine from the constellation of truth from a distance. Long travelling starlight strikes the eye and a spark moves from the retina to the constellation of cells that are mind. Starlight marks positions that have long since been abandoned and the laws science predict  their present even as the present fades away.  From the laws we know and the light that strikes our eye we try to trace the arc.
Significant historical events wed to the numbers that reflect their passing yet their passing shadow affects other disparate elements.  Effect is not limited to proximity nor is proximity limited to the spatial dimensions. A glimmer of “God vision” bids understanding come forth.
                Create a pattern in your mind to transform standard into custom. Create a macro to transform the pattern into reality. Pages of indicators must yield their secrets. Search for commands and learn the syntax. Record the subtle dance of addition and subtraction.  Science still seeks clumsily to capture the interplay that makes us human. Surprise and crisis  lurk, unleashing undetected forces and invention and corruption governed by laws, as of yet, still to be formalized.  Dark matter and imputed particles fill in the gaps of our theories.  Is faith in that which we cannot see so different?
Insight explodes from the universe of data. Another year of data, lightly crunched connects with a constellation of data points. Secondary and primary meld. Intermittent regional crises explain massive swings in capital equipment.  A coherent picture fills the center of the frame. Edges remain out of focus, but the dominant themes shine clearly.
                Numerical representation of realities shifting across the globe. Homes and babies, pallets and pocketbooks painted in Arabic representation undergirded by machine precision of binary architecture. Van Gogh in black and white. Impressions high above Arles of countries and times that are past and yet to come. The promise that more data will yield to knowledge is forced through the prism of mind and subjected to the limits of collection, connection, and causation. Correlation tricks the uninitiated into gauzy certainty. Synthesized order must not shatter the reality of chaos. Mystery, equilibrium, growth, decay, and the cost of it all beg numbers to put on their human raiment. 

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